Executive board

The ALACI executive board is integrated by a president, a general secretary, a vice-president, a treasurer and a permanent secretary. The president governs ALACI operationally between General Assemblies until the one held during the triennial congress.


The ALACI executive board is renewed every three years based on a proposal submitted by the outgoing board and the presidents or representatives of the different full member societies, once it is ratified by the plenary General Assembly.


The ALACI president is elected considering the applicant merits, as well as the capacity of the national society to co-sponsor the ALACI's main tasks in the three-year period, which mainly involves the organization and hosting of the Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Immunology.

Current Executive board

2022 - 2024

Previous board

2018 - 2022

2016 - 2018

2012 - 2015