
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1984

    ALAI is founded during the I Congress of the Argentinean Society of Immunology. First President L. Christina Giraudo Conesa and Vice-President Nelson Mendes. First ALAI members: The National Immunology Societies from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico.
  • Toronto, Canada. 1986

    IUIS insists on the reform of the ALAI Statutes during the VI International Congress of Immunology.
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1987

    I Congress of ALAI, together with the II Congress of the Argentinean Society of Immunology. President L. Christina Giraudo Conesa and Vice-President Nelson Mendes. The ALAI Statutes are reformed in order to include National Immunology Societies (not just individuals).
  • Zagreb, 1987

    ALAI is accepted as the Regional Federation of Immunology Societies by the IUIS.
  • Rome, Italy, 1988

    During the IUIS meeting, two new members are formally incorporated to ALAI: the National Immunology Societies from Colombia and Venezuela.
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1989

    The first joint IUIS & ALAI Symposium on Molecular Bases of Immunity and Tolerance is held. Coordinators: H. von Boehmer and G.V.J. Nossal. Ten scholarships to members from the different ALAI Immunology Societies were awarded. The activities were published in the journal “Medicina (Buenos Aires)”.
  • Berlin, Germany, 1989

    A new member, the National Immunology Society of Uruguay, is formally incorporated to ALAI and IUIS during the VII International Congress of Immunology. A total of 7 Latin American national immunology societies are now grouped into ALAI. To foster regional collaborations, short-term exchange visits among the members are proposed.
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1990

    The II Congress of ALAI & XV Congress of the Brazilian Society of Immunology is held. President Nelson Mendes and Vice-President Arturo Ferreira.
  • Santiago de Chile, Chile, 1993

    The III ALAI Congress is held. President Arturo Ferreira and Vice-President Ethel Garcia-Latorre.
  • Zacatecas, México, 1996

    The IV ALAI Congress is held. President Ethel García-Latorre, Vice-President A. Nieto, General Secretary J. Moreno, and Treasurer C. Gonzalez. Two new members are formally incorporated into ALAI: the National Immunology Societies of Cuba and Paraguay.
  • Punta del Este, Uruguay, 1999

    The V ALAI Congress is held. President Alberto Nieto, Vice-President Jorge Gavilondo, and General Secretary Fernando Goñi. The National Immunology Societies from Colombia and Venezuela pass to the category of "Observer members" for not complying with the requirements established by ALAI and IUIS.
  • Habana, Cuba, 2002

    The VI ALAI Congress is held. President Jorge Gavilondo, Vicepresident Clelia Riera, General Secretary Oliver Pérez, and Treasurer Marta Ayala. The National Immunology Society from Colombia is re-incorporated as full member. The creation of the ALAI Permanent Secretariat is approved, and the National Immunology Society of Peru is admitted as an “Observer member” until 2004, when it became full member after being approved by the IUIS.
  • Córdoba, Argentina, 2005

    The VII ALAI Congress is held. President Clelia M. Riera, Vice-President José D. Lopes, General Secretary Virginia E. Rivero, Treasurer María C. Pistoresi, and Permanent Secretary Oliver Pérez.
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007

    The joint XIII International Congress of Immunology and VIII Latin American Congress of Immunology is held. President José D. Lopes, Vice-President Flavio Salazar, General Secretary Leda M. Longo-Maugéri, Treasurer Luiza Guilherme Guglielmi, and Permanent Secretary Oliver Perez. Past President: Clelia M. Riera.
  • Viña del Mar, Chile, 2009

    The joint IX Latin American Congress of Immunology (ALAI) and XII Chilean Society of Immunology Congress is held. President Flavio Salazar, Vice-President José L. Aguilar, General Secretary Alexis Kalergis, Treasurer Mercedes López, and Permanent Secretary Oliver Perez. Past President: José D. Lopes.
  • Lima, Perú, 2012

    The X ALAI Congress IMMUNOPERU 2012 is held. President José L. Aguilar, Vice-President Luis F. García, General Secretary Arturo Pareja, Pro-Secretary Blanca Sáenz, Treasurer Jesús Tamariz, and Permanent Secretary Oliver Perez. Past President Flavio Salazar. The National Immunology Society of Bolivia is incorporated to ALAI.
  • Medellín, Colombia, 2015

    The joint XI ALAI Congress and Xth Colombian Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) IMMUNOCOLOMBIA2015 is held. President Luis F. García, Vice-President Leopoldo Santos-Argumedo, General Secretary José R. Ramírez, Treasurer Diana M. Castaño, and Permanent Secretary Oliver Perez. Past President Jose L. Aguilar
  • Cancun, Mexico 2018

    The joint XII ALAI Congress and XXIII Congress of the Mexican Society of Immunology is held. President Leopoldo Santos-Argumedo, Vice-President Oliver Perez, General Secretary Humberto Lanz-Mendoza, Treasurer Gustavo Pedraza and Permanent Secretary Guillermo Docena. Past President Luis F. García. The National Immunology Society of El Salvador is incorporated to ALAI as correspondent member and the National Society of Venezuela is passed to the category of Observer member.
  • Varadero, Cuba 2022

    The joint XIII Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Immunology (ALACI) and VII Congress of the Cuban Society for Immunology is held. President Oliver Perez, Vice-President Emilio Malchiodi, General Secretary Raúl Ramos-Pupo, Treasurer Miriam Lastre González, Permanent Secretary Guillermo Docena. Past President Leopoldo Santos-Argumedo. ALAI changes its name to ALACI. Four new members are incorporated to ALACI: the National Immunology Societies of Honduras (2020) and West Indian (2022) as full members, and the National Immunology Societies of Guatemala (2019) and Ecuador (2021) as correspondent members. The National Society of Paraguay is passed to the category of Observer member (2021).
  • Upcoming Congress: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2024

    The joint XIV ALACI Congress and LXXI Congress of the Argentinian Society of Immunology will be held. President Emilio Malchiodi, Vice-President Walderez Dutra, General Secretary Analia Trevani, Treasurer Ruben D. Motrich, Permanent Secretary Guillermo Docena. Past President Oliver Perez.