More Information for your visit

Time zone

The time zone in Argentina is UTC/GMT-3, and there are no time changes throughout the year.



Argentina’s national currency is the Argentine peso. Note that it has the same symbol ($) as the US dollar and other dollar currencies (don’t be confused – prices expressed using the $ symbol are in Argentine pesos unless stated otherwise. US dollars are usually referred to using the symbol: U$S.


Changing money

It is easy to obtain local currency in Buenos Aires at casas de cambio (bureaux de change/currency exchanges) and at most banks – note that you’ll need to provide ID when changing money.

Local currency can also be obtained from cash machines (ATMs) throughout the city. Cash machines operate 24 hours a day and accept all major international cards.

In various businesses and even in the street in the city’s central financial area, particularly on Calle Florida, you are likely to come across people offering to exchance money. Please note that while non-official operators may state a preferential rate of exchange, these money changers are illegal and for visitors’ safety, we recommend changing money only at legal regulated institutions.



Buenos Aires in November has a maximal temperature of around 26ºC (78.8°F) and a minimal temperature of 16.1 ºC (60.98°F). The sunny weather makes this city a destination for outdoor activities and gastronomy.


Opening hours and electricity

Activity times

In Buenos Aires, activity starts early in the morning and continues until late at night.

Most shops are open from 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday and at least from 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. However, many stores on the main avenues and in the main commercial areas also remain open all Saturday afternoon. Shopping malls typically remain open until 10pm, including on Sundays and public holidays.


Banks operation

From 10 am to 3 pm, from Monday through Friday. Cash withdrawals can be made from ATMs/cash machines 24 hours a day.



Breakfast is typically served between 7 am and 10 am, lunch between 12:30 pm and 3 pm, and dinner between 8 pm and 11 pm.

Buenos Aires is famous for its gastronomic delights, strongly influenced by European countries, especially Spain and Italy. Don’t miss the traditional Argentine asados with chimichurri, choripan, milanesas, pizzas, and matambre but also pastas.

Buenos Aires is also famous for its downtown cafes, where you can enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city while savoring delicatessens.


Electric current

AC 220-380 volts, and the electric plug configurations have 2 or 3 flat pins with the top two pins diagonally angled. Travelers are advised to carry adapters and/or transformers.


Tourism in Buenos Aires


Tourism in Argentina