Travel grants

Arriving to Buenos Aires

Travel Grants general conditions*.

Please be advised that travel grant applications will only be considered when submitted at the time of abstract submission, and no later than the submission deadline on August 18, 2024.

Travel Grants program and application conditions.

Interested candidates can apply for more than one fellowship. However, applicants can benefit from only one travel grant. Consequently, applicants must choose one of them if granted with more than one fellowship.

ALACI travel grants

Priority will be given to applications from doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, master´s students, or young professionals. However, scientists and physicians at any career stage who require financial assistance to attend the meeting will also be considered.

In addition to meeting the specific requirements marked above with an asterisk, applicants must be members of a national immunology society belonging to ALACI. Find the ALACI´s member societies at

Please be aware that only applications from the first or last author of a submitted abstract will be considered for grant evaluation.

Applicants should submit a brief motivation letter (300 words) and a curriculum vitae of no more than one page at the time of abstract submission. Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be evaluated.

Argentinean Society of Immunology (SAI) fellowships

In addition to meeting the requirements marked above with an asterisk, applicants must be members of the Argentinean Society of Immunology and have their membership dues up to date.

SAI will provide grants to its adherent members who wish to attend the meeting and are first authors and presenters of a submitted abstract. Financial help is set to cover an equivalent amount to the travel cost and part of the abstract processing fees. Results will be announced after the abstract evaluation process.

American Association of Immunologists Travel Grants.

Applicants must meet the requirements marked above with an asterisk.

Priority will be given to applications from trainees and young faculties from developing countries who submit an abstract. However, applications from scientists at any career stage who require financial assistance to attend the meeting will also be evaluated. Diversity of gender and ethnicity will be part of the criteria used to make award decisions. Applications from countries that are under U.S. financial sanctions will not be considered.

European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) travel grants.

EFIS is pleased to offer up to five travel grants of EUR 1000 each to EU-based early career researchers* and members of EFIS-affiliated societies wishing to attend the 14th Congress of the Latin American and Caribbean Immunology – ALACI 2024 – to be held 4-8 November 2024 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

*MSc and PhD students or postdocs with no more than 7 years postdoctoral experience (excluding career interruptions)

Applicants must submit one single PDF file via email to

1) Proof of membership in an EFIS-affiliated society,
2) Proof of registration to ALACI 2024,
3) The abstract(s) submitted to ALACI 2024.

Grantees will be informed of their awards by 15 September 2024.

Address any questions to:

Deadline: 18 August 2024